So before you say, “Sheesh, Brandie, I’ve read the same ‘ol stuff on this subject!” , I ask that you please read on a bit. I know, I know, this is a topic in a popular industry sales training piece, and we often use the title to empower OR beat up on our teams. 

But today, I’d like to put an interesting twist on the topic and share four of my favorite life lessons on best traits that have helped me along my journey. 

Here are the traits of peak performers as I’ve seen it, working with thousands in our consulting practice . . .


Paul Stoltz is one of my favorite authors on the topic.  In his work (The Adversity Quotient) he shares that we face over 22 adversities a day, and that our ability to identify and overcome adversity is the Most Important Factor to Achieving Success. 

For me, I’ve learned that adversity comes in Internal and External Barriers. List 3 in each area, if you can.


Feelings of overwhelm

Job Burnout

Not being engaged

Not knowing ‘how to’





Tasks being imposed on you from the outside

Other people’s agendas and ‘fires’

Lack of clarity

Lack of communication



Difficult personalities you work with or live with

Identify a plan to work on it, learn about it, and practice overcoming.


“What is the experience or emotion you want to evoke in the other party?”

Peak Performers are always thinking about what they want to “create”.  Go into your next communication thinking about what you can do to set the tone based on your “committed to create”. 

Take inventory on how the conversation went and if you noticed a difference in your results.


If you know me or have seen me speak, you know I always talk about having a vision powerful enough to call you through the pain of transformation. 

Overcomers know that vision is the energy and presence that calls them through tough times.


“Stress”, in my opinion, has a lot to do with the way we choose to handle life’s challenges.

If you were to see circumstances and things that happen as neutral, then look honestly at the emotion you label them with, it will help you feel like you have more control over the way you handle the things in life that happen around you.   

Remember that people outside of you make choices and have their own journey to walk.  Sometimes this helps me from “taking on” things that are not mine to be responsible for.

On the other hand, if you have a part in things, own up.

Julie Meyer, CEO of Ariadne Capital, wrote on LinkedIn about what it took for her to build an exceptional organization.

Make things happen

Challenge the Status Quo

Be open and honest

Believe in yourself

Make tough decision and stick to them

Have the courage to say no

Be an agent of change

Push your limits

Maintain personal integrity

Never compromise quality, not even for a deadline

Treat people the way that you want to be treated

Take intelligent risks

Be a team player

Keep others informed

Take an active role in the industry

Connect the dots that others don't see

Perform miracles

What kind of changes can you make in you in order to get what you want out of life?  The answers to those questions will help you be exceptional.

Brandie Hinen is the CEO of Powerhouse Learning, a coaching and training organization that helps develop peak performers. Contact her at or visit Powerhouse Learning.