How to Hire a Good Producer

How to Hire a Good Producer

There are a lot of good reasons to recruit and hire accomplished, energetic and results-driven producers.  Certainly, the revenue they can generate for your agency is a primary reason, but there's more.  Identifying good producers as a potential partner and future...
How and Why Buyers Make Decisions

How and Why Buyers Make Decisions

Young professionals who are building a career in sales, customer service or marketing may not believe this, but no one actually buys what you have to offer. Believe it. In my business, I know it to be absolutely true. No one buys our consulting. No one buys our...
Quick Tips for Successful Appointments

Quick Tips for Successful Appointments

Have you thought about the natural process we all go through in making decisions?   We all – yes, even your buyers - go through a series of little bullet points: What’s important to me? Is it to my benefit? Do I see a value in putting the time to it? If you...